Congratulations Endri on Your Steps to Success Accomplishment

Wednesday, April 24, 2019
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Attention: All Associates

Endri Hoxha, Maintenance Technician at Hillsdale Garden in San Mateo, CA, made great strides toward accomplishing his professional goals by recently completing the Steps to Success curriculum for Leasing Specialists!

Endri had previously completed the Steps to Success Curriculum for Maintenance Technicians a few months ago and is one of the first maintenance associates to have completed the leasing curriculum. Endri wanted to take more courses on professional and soft skill developement and decided to complete the leasing curriculum as well. The Leasing Specialist curriculum is made up of 24 courses and the Maintenance Technician curriculum is made up of 25 courses making this an outstanding acheivement.

Here's what Endri said about his experience with Essex and the Steps to Success curriculum:
"Joining Essex has helped me move forward in my life. It has given me mentors like Mayte Nieto and Charles Mishlof, who have continued to help me advance as a Maintenance Technician. Steps to Success curriculum is also a big factor in improving my skills. Coming to America from Albania, I feel very fortunate. It has given me an opportunity to develop and expand my knowlege in maintenance and professional developement. I am excited to continue to learn and grow within Essex."

All maintenance associates are encouraged to check out the Steps to Success curriculum and take advantage of the available learning resources.

We congratulate Endri on his accomplishment and wish him good luck!

Wednesday, April 24, 2019 - 11:38

Last updated:
May 08, 2019