Employee Engagement Survey Feedback & Results

Printer-friendly versionPDF version Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Attention: All Associates

During our recent Employee Engagement survey (concluded in May), many of you provided anonymous feedback and comments on a variety of subjects. We received an incredible 83% participation rate, and like in past years, we are committed to thoughtfully addressing your feedback. 


Overall, the company scores for Satisfaction and Passion for the company continue to remain high. There is pride in Essex achieving its vision and corporate goals and belief that management is concerned about how associates in the company feel and what they think. Scores for finding greater meaning and fulfillment in your work as well as being recognized by supervisors for good performance increased over time. Overall engagement at Corporate increased from prior years with Offsite holding steady with some regional differences.


Several areas of opportunity and focus have been identified. You shared your concerns that you would like to receive more adequate training to perform your job, whether you are new to the company or have been in your role for an extended period of time. Similarly, you would like more emphasis on better tools and technology to perform your role efficiently, whether it is faster and better internet connections, reporting and tracking systems, or physical tools to help you with your job. While many of you expressed pride in Essex achieving its goals, you would like to continue to better understand company vision and purpose and how it connects to each of you broadly.


Your feedback is valuable to us, and we appreciate that you took the time and effort to provide detailed feedback. Your feedback will be addressed over the course of the year, and we will keep you updated throughout the year via news on Buzz, at the Annual Awards ceremony, and with regional-specific communications.

Thank you for your participation!


If you have any questions, please reach out to humanresources@essex.com.


Wednesday, September 25, 2019 - 12:42

Last updated:
October 12, 2019