Embracing Our Values in the New Year!

Printer-friendly versionPDF version Wednesday, December 22, 2021

As 2021 ends, many of us find ourselves reflecting on the year past and dreaming of our goals, resolutions, and plans for 2022. There’s no better time than now to think about how we can incorporate our values in our actions today, tomorrow, and every day next year. Here are a few simple steps to living our Values as we envision a Bright New Year.
Care About What Matters - Essex gifted all associates with additional time off for 2022. Take a moment at the beginning of the year to sit down with your teams or manager to discuss times when you would like to take your usual PTO and additional time. Don’t wait! Planning your time means you and your team can prepare for that vital time off with your loved ones (or maybe just by yourself!).
Act with Integrity
Take a little time each week to catch up on E-Way process changes or check in with other departments to see how you can better align your actions and goals with the greater to ensure we’re all working towards Essex’s success.
Lead at Every Level­
– Meet with your co-workers to establish a plan of action for when one of you is out on PTO. Who will cover what responsibilities? How will you communicate it to your prospects, vendors, resident requiring follow-up? We are each in charge of setting ourselves up for success and disconnecting from work; knowing that everything is handled is imperative to return refreshed. Coming up with a game plan in advance benefits everyone!
Do Right with Urgency
- Follow-up is essential: whether you serve our residents or Essex associates. Try blocking a few minutes on your calendar each day to follow up with any outstanding communications, answer questions or touch base with someone to strengthen your working relationship.
Seek Fairness -
As Essex’s business model evolves to serve our residents and associates better alike, make sure that you’re asking questions every step of the way. Knowledgeable teams ensure that we provide the best service to all those we encounter.
These are just a few ways to integrate our Values into our daily life in the New Year, but they certainly aren’t the only ways! Please share with your teams how you plan to embrace our Values in your everyday life in the New Year!
Tuesday, December 21, 2021 - 12:17

Last updated:
December 29, 2021