E-Team Throws Socially Distanced Baby Shower

Wednesday, April 29, 2020
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Attention: All Associates

Regional Property Manager, Richard Chapman, shared the following with Cool Stuff:

"Our own Natali Gebran has been isolated at home due to her pregnancy.  She has been working hard at home and hasn’t had any social interactions. We previously planned a baby shower for her, however with the social distancing mandate complicating things it was placed on hold.
Today, we simulated a ZOOM call – however, we were all in front of Natali’s house waiting to surprise her. The call kicked off, and her doorbell rang. To her surprise, we were all on the ZOOM call waiting for her in the street. She was so surprised and loved her diaper cake.
Following our social distancing baby shower (shortest baby shower ever – 5 minutes tops) – we conducted a brief CM meeting while observing social distancing. It was good to see everyone and be able to change it up. Our teams have been hard at work, and I just wanted to thank them."

Congratulations Natali! Way to celebrate responsibly, DTLA team!

Wednesday, April 29, 2020 - 10:04

Last updated:
May 16, 2020