Cyber Security Awareness: How to Report Cyber Crime

Wednesday, October 19, 2016
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Weekly Cyber Security Awareness Tip throughout October

Did you know that October is National Cyber Security Awareness month? To raise Cyber Security Awareness, each week this month Essex IT will share helpful tips and prevention methods for both business and personal use.

Missed our other weekly tips? 

Check out the details of "Stop. Think. Connect." and "How to recognize and avoid Phishing attacks." 


If you have any questions, please email

This week's tip: How to Report Cyber Crime

Today’s world is more interconnected than ever before. Yet, for all its advantages, increased connectivity brings increased risk of theft, fraud, and abuse. As Americans become more reliant on modern technology, we also become more vulnerable to cyberattacks such as corporate security breaches, spear phishing, and social media fraud.

The Law Enforcement Cyber Incident Reporting resource provides information for state, local, tribal, and territorial (SLTT) law enforcement on when, what and how to report a cyber incident to a federal entity. The document also provides information on federally sponsored training opportunities and other useful resources available to SLTT law enforcement.

Monday, October 17, 2016 - 17:15

Last updated:
November 08, 2016