Customer Comment of the Week

Printer-friendly versionPDF version Monday, March 21, 2016

The Villa Angelina team has been very determined to increase their Yelp score this year and they recently achieved that goal! At the beginning of 2016, they stood at a 3.5 with 20 or so reviews and after receiving a few more positive reviews, the score just wouldn't budge. BUT the Villa Angelina team was patient and after receiving more 5 star ratings for being so awesome and providing great customer service, they were able to move the needle.

The Villa Angelina team now sports a 4 star rating on Yelp with 26 reviews! Want to know how they did it? Read below for some tips from Winnie Low, Villa Angelina's awesome community manager. 

"When a prospect or resident walks in the leasing office, we always make sure to greet them with a big smile. There are several occasions where we had prospects or residents asked us what type of coffee we had that morning…since we sound so energetic. We always like to sound up beat and happy.

Not only we received a good Yelp review from our new move-in but he also brought us Starbucks to thank us for the excellent customer service."  


Monday, March 21, 2016 - 08:45

Last updated:
March 30, 2016