Pets & Residents Celebrate "Howl-O-Ween" at Corbella at Juanita Bay

Wednesday, November 7, 2018
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Attention: All Associates

Corbella at Juanita Bay in Kirkland, WA pleased human, canine, and feline residents alike when hosting their 1st Annual "Howl-O-Ween" Party.

Assistant Community Manager, Stefany Arriza, shared, "We had an amazing turnout and tons of food and activities for our guests."

Dogs and humans alike were spoiled with Halloween-themed treats such as "toilet water" (chicken broth) for the pups and "vampire repellant" (garlic hummus) and an array of "poison" to drink for the humans

A big shout-out to pet-sitting company, Folic Pet Services, for coming out and setting up games, homemade treats, and a photo booth for the residents and their pets! Games included "guess the breed" and a doggy body language quiz.

Topping off the night was a raffle. Prizes included a treat basket for dogs, a treat basket for cats  - both donated by Juanita Bay Vet Services, plus two $25 Visa gift cards.
Stefany Arriza commented on the event saying, "All of the residents who came seemed to really enjoy the atmosphere, food, and community. This was another way that we at Corbella hope to continue to grow our community and resident satisfaction!" 
What a unique pet-friendly event, Corbella. Thank you for sharing!

Wednesday, November 7, 2018 - 10:52

Last updated:
November 21, 2018