Congrats Whitney Felton, promoted to Regional Assistant

Friday, June 24, 2016
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Let's congratulate Whitney Felton on her promotion to Regional Assistant for the Bay Area!  Whitney will join the admin team in the San Mateo Office.

Whitney is an Oakland native that fell into property management after taking courses at the University of Oklahoma. She returned to the west coast to pursue real life job experience and confirm the ideologies she was taught in school.  Property management seemed like a fun place to start, so she joined the Villa Granada leasing team as a temporary employee in 2014.  Due to her initiative, leadership and can-do attitude she was made permanent in March 2015.  Whitney was well on her way to property stardom as she was starting to master property reporting, financials and assistant manager duties when the RA job opened up. We think she'll do just fine in the “OPPPSSS” department!
Whitney is a ranch kid (and proud of it), but she also enjoys little snippets of city life. When Whitney isn't chasing cows or couch coaching her favorite sports teams ("sports are my life" she says), you can find her at the beach, hiking or hiking on the beach.

Friday, June 24, 2016 - 10:00

Last updated:
June 30, 2016