Community websites now reflect availability 90 days out

Printer-friendly versionPDF version Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Customers can now choose a move-in date up to 90 days in the future on your community website! If you are unable to see availability greater than 30 days in the future, you will need to clear your cache on your browser.

All apartments on notice, including those in eviction, will show as available so it is important to ensure that the scheduled move-out dates for these apartments are accurate.  A maximum of five apartments will still be displayed per floor plan. 
Action Items

  1. Review apartments that are on-notice due to eviction and confirm that the scheduled move-out date is for six months out.
  2. Ensure that each time you put a resident on-notice due to eviction that you use a date six months in the future, and update accordingly throughout the process as needed to ensure that apartments in eviction will not appear as available.


  • How many apartments will display on the website?
    A maximum of 5 apartments will display at any given time for each floor plan based on the move-in date. If more than five apartments are available for the identified move-in date, the following logic is used to select the 5 apartments that will be displayed: lowest price, mid-low price, mid-price, mid-high price and highest price.
  • What determines if an apartment will be displayed?
    The prospect-identified move-in date will determine the apartments that will show on the website. If the move-in date is today (default), all apartments that are vacant ready will be displayed up to a maximum of 5 apartments. If the move-in date is changed to a future date, 10 days + the identified move-in date is used as the starting point, and any apartments available on or before this date will be displayed up to a maximum of 5 apartments.
  • The website logic is limited to display apartments with move-in dates a maximum of 30 days in the future. Apartments with a change in status from Occupied or Rented to an available status such as: Vacant Unrented Ready and Vacant Unrented Not Ready and Notice Unrented, will not show on the website the day the change is made, as to allow a full day for YieldStar pricing to be generated and fed to the website. 
  • The website considers apartments with Vacant Unrented Ready, Vacant Unrented Not Ready and Notice status as available.

For more information refer to the Pricing and Availability article on Buzz

Last updated:
July 22, 2015