Submit Your Community Common Area Video by April 15th

Friday, April 10, 2020
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Attention: All Community Managers

In our new world of social distancing, virtual tours are more important than ever!

So, we want our E-Team to help showcase what makes your community great. Please create a 1-2-minute video tour of your common areas and amenity spaces by April 15. These videos will fulfill the common area portion of a traditional tour and showcase what life is like at your community.

All communities are required to submit a video, and the top three communities will be awarded Amazon gift cards for each team member as well as showcased on Buzz for the whole company to view!

Please see the full criteria, guidelines and submission details in the attachment under "Community Manager Communications" here. If you have questions, contact Marketing at

Friday, April 10, 2020 - 12:29

Last updated:
April 29, 2020