Coming in 2018: Wellness Program supported by Vitality

Wednesday, December 13, 2017
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Attention: All Associates

Benefits and Wellness is excited to announce that in 2018 we’re launching Vitality, a new and more robust wellness platform.
About Vitality
Vitality is one of the nation’s leading wellness technology platforms. Vitality allows associates to track personal wellbeing goals, earn rewards and participate in company-wide competitions with a high performing, all-in-one platform. Plus, Vitality is compatible with fitness trackers!
What about Health Hero?
Health Hero will officially retire on December 31, 2017. While we hope you’ve enjoyed using Health Hero this past year, you may have noticed that there have been some delays in rewarding employees through Incentco, and that technology issues have prevented us from using the platform for our wellness challenges. Switching to Vitality should resolve these issues.

Please note that:

  • Once Health Hero is retired, all points will reset to zero.
  • If you are eligible in Health Hero for a health premium credit, the Benefits team will apply this to your account automatically in January.

What happens next?
Vitality will launch in February 2018, so expect fun promos and updates leading up to go-live!

Please contact

Wednesday, December 6, 2017 - 14:47

Last updated:
January 10, 2018