Bulk batch processing now in effect

Printer-friendly versionPDF version Monday, June 1, 2015

Revenue Management is pleased to announce that bulk renewal batch processing is now in effect at all communities!

Previously only the BRE legacy assets had renewal batches posted by the Revenue Management Department. Through the deployment of a new tool, Revenue Management now has the ability to post all batches for the onsite teams.
Will I lose control over what offers are processed? Not at all. The renewal offer review process will remain the same with the CM and RPM reviewing offers in the YieldStar workflow during the renewal review period and discussing necessary changes with Revenue Management.
What changes? Once the review period is complete, Revenue Management will notify you that you can generate renewal letters. You simply get to skip the Yardi renewal proposal batch creation step and the RPM no longer has to approve the batch. You move directly to the step where you create the letters. Revenue Management will post all renewal offers approved during the review process so you can select the best terms to display on the letter.
What if I need to create a one-off proposal outside of the normal renewal review process? You will still have access to the entire Renewal Management Yardi workflow to create your own proposal if needed. When proposals are generated in this manner, the proposal will be routed to the RPM for approval.
Questions? Contact RevenueManagement@essex.com
Stay Tuned! New renewal reporting and an improved renewal review process are in the works. Expect to see more changes around mid to late summer.

Last updated:
June 19, 2015