Benefits: Important Dependent Verification Information

Wednesday, February 6, 2019
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Attention: All Associates with Active Benefit Dependents

As part of the ongoing effort by Essex to maintain compliance and to provide excellent benefit programs to our valued employees, we have enlisted the assistance of the professional dependent verification firm, Dependent Specialists, Inc. (DSI). You are required to participate in the verification process if you have active dependents on your medical, dental, or vision plans. The deadline to submit verification documents is 2/28/2019. Non-verified dependents are unable to remain on benefit plans, and their insurance coverage will be canceled.

Some common mistakes made in claiming dependents for insurance coverage that may not be eligible include:

  • ex-wives and ex-husbands
  • nieces and nephews
  • employee's parents
  • former step-children
  • grandchildren
  • adult children

In the next day or two, you will receive a personal letter from DSI with instructions on how to verify dependent eligibility for your insurance. The letter contains very important information regarding eligibility rules, tips for where to obtain missing documents, the documents you are permitted to provide, and more. The process may require providing birth certificates, marriage licenses, adoption papers, tax return cover page, or otherwise, so do not delay in finding and submitting your documents to DSI.

If you need assistance after receiving the letter, please contact DSI directly at 1-888-374-0150. DSI is here to help us all through this process. Most questions will be answered in the letter you will receive at home and can also be answered once you log into the Essex Dependent Verification portal at The username will be sent to you by DSI and your default password is your eight-digit date of birth (MMDDYYYY).

Thank you in advance for your compliance and participation in the dependent verification process!

Dependent Specialists is here to help you. You can reach DSI:
Phone: M-F 9am-7pm CST at 888-DSI-0150 (888-374-0150)

We look forward to assisting you in successfully verifying your eligible dependents (or removing any if necessary).

Wednesday, February 6, 2019 - 10:43

Last updated:
February 20, 2019