Be Aware of This New Phishing Scam

Wednesday, April 17, 2019
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Attention: All Associates

HR will NEVER request your direct deposit account information in an email.

You may be familiar with the obvious signs of phishing emails--misspelled words, lots of exclamation points, and questionable email addresses--but phishing scams are becoming more sophisticated as fast as we are learning to identify them. 

A New Phishing Scam

Please become familiar with this scam, in which a criminal poses as a member of our organization and requests that direct deposit funds be routed to a different account. Though this particular scam targets those who control direct deposits, specifically members of the payroll department, the scam could be run in reverse by asking employees for their direct deposit details.

Report Suspicious Emails

At Essex, no department--HR or otherwise--will ever ask you to email your direct deposit account information. If you ever receive an email of this nature, report it to IT immediately using the "Phish Alert" button at the top of every Outlook email. The email will be sent directly to our security team for analysis and review. 

Phish Alert Button:



If you have any questions on this or any other IT security matter, please reach out to

Wednesday, April 17, 2019 - 11:55

Last updated:
May 04, 2019