Back-to Back MVP, Anthony Rubio

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Like Michael Jordan and Steph Curry, Anthony Rubio is a back-to-back MVP. Promoted last year to community manager, he attributes his success to the invaluable support of his team and managers. “I am driven by those around me and their success. We have great leaders in our company and I try to take bits and pieces from their management style to create my own.” He will need a third hand if he wins again next year! Check out his interview:

1. You're a back-to-back MVP, like MJ in '91 and '92 and Steph Curry last year and soon to be this year. Please explain your Jordan-esque dominance.

I try to keep a positive attitude towards what I do. Helping others for the sake of helping rather than expecting a favor in return. Lastly, I love what I do and having the support of my team(s) and managers makes my job easier.


2. For someone that’s trying to emulate your success, what would you recommend to them?

Don’t be afraid to make a mistake, but do not allow your mistake become a habit.  Focus on creating good habits.


3. You're a rising star. What and who motivates you?

I am driven by those around me and their success. We have great leaders in our company and I try to take bits and pieces from their management style to create my own.


4. What is your guilty pleasure?

Red Bull and or Rock Star’s. Can’t kick the habit!


5. Funniest thing that’s happened at your community?

My Bella Villagio team pranked me. While I was gone for lunch the team covered my office in TP. Wrapped my computer, phone, chair… You name it. My office was Charmin soft.


6. If you were a WWE wrestler, what would your entrance music be?

Welcome to the Jungle by Guns N Roses


7. What do you enjoy most about working at Essex?

They give me awards!

Thursday, April 21, 2016 - 11:15

Last updated:
April 28, 2016