Associate Engagement Survey coming soon

Printer-friendly versionPDF version Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Hey, E-team! Over the last few years a lot has changed for Essex, so we think it’s important to take some time out to see how you're doing and how we can improve.
Starting this year, we'll take our pulse annually by asking you how we’re doing in our company-wide Associate Engagement Survey.
Based on the opinions you share with us, we aim to accomplish three main things:

  1. Better understand how you feel about your experience at Essex, and anything that is positively or negatively affecting it
  2. Improve policies
  3. Recognize areas for improvement other than policies

Here are a few important things to know:

  • The survey is hosted by a third party, Kingsley and Associates. (They specialize in measuring satisfaction in our industry, and they also conduct our resident surveys!)
  • The survey will be conducted online, and you will receive an email invitation with a unique URL.
  • All responses are completely anonymous and cannot be traced back to any individual.

When does the survey go out?
You'll receive an email invitation to take the survey at the end of October.
If you don't complete the survey right away, you will receive additional email reminders through the close of the survey.  These emails will come directly from Kingsley and Associates. 

We’re with you 100%
Every associate deserves to be heard, and we want your thoughtful, honest and candid feedback all the way. We'd like to have 100% participation. Once you’ve completed the survey, please encourage your co-workers to do the same!

Last updated:
October 26, 2015