Associate Engagement Survey Closes Friday!

Monday, February 6, 2017
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E-team, let your voice be heard!

On January 19, each associate hired before November 30 received an email invitation from Kingsley Associates with a unique link to access the Associate Engagement Survey. Hurry! Survey responses will be accepted through this Friday, February 10. 

Top 4 Reasons to complete the survey

  1. It matters! Thanks to your feedback in last year's survey, we've made many thoughtful changes
  2. It’s fast! The survey should take less than 15 minutes to complete.
  3. It’s easy! Just click on the link you received from Kingsley. You can take the survey in English or Spanish.
  4. It’s confidential! All responses are completely anonymous and are never attributed to any individual associate. 

Bonus reason to complete the survey: Beat last year's participation rate! 
We'd love for 100% of associates to share their feedback through the engagement survey. Last year we came close, with 88% participation rate.

As of Monday, February 6, we have only 64% participation. E-team, you can do better! Check your inbox right now for the email from Kingsley Associates to complete your survey.

Thank you!
We greatly value your contribution to Essex’s success.  Thank you in advance for your participation in this important initiative.

If you have any questions about this project, please contact Erin Kelly of Kingsley Associates at or (770) 908-1220.

Monday, February 6, 2017 - 16:30

Last updated:
February 22, 2017