April EssexNEXT: How We Do Right With Urgency

Printer-friendly versionPDF version Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Throughout April, we are highlighting the value of Do Right With Urgency and the behaviors of We Are Driven By Purpose, We Pursue Excellence, and We See It, Own It, Do It. To help associates connect with the value and behaviors, we have created an April EssexNEXT Buzz page. Here you will find more information about the value and behaviors and how we see them at Essex.
There is also a fun engagement activity that will run the entire month of April. Each morning, we will post a new question by 8:30am on the April EssexNEXT Buzz page where associates can easily submit their answers to earn points. Questions will be focused on April’s value and behaviors plus Earth Month and Celebrating Diversity Month. The questions will have varying points assigned to them to ensure that even if an associate misses a question one day, they could still win in the end.
The page showcases an engagement point tracker that will be refreshed every Wednesday with the current standings. The answers need to be correct and submitted the same day the question is posted to earn points.
The April EssexNEXT page is live today, and the first question will be posted tomorrow, Thursday, April 1st. Be sure to check out the page to learn more about this month’s value and behaviors!

Questions? Please email EssexNEXT@essex.com
Tuesday, March 30, 2021 - 16:53

Last updated:
April 17, 2021