An Update on 500 Folsom: Our 42-Story San Francisco High-Rise

Wednesday, October 31, 2018
    500 Folsom in progress.
  • 500 Folsom in progress.

  • The team has worked around the clock to keep the project on track.
  • The team has worked around the clock to keep the project on track.

  • The manlift and the curtain wall (a.k.a. the windows) making their way up the building.
  • The manlift and the curtain wall (a.k.a. the windows) making their way up the building.

  • Unit balconies under construction, with a view of Salesforce Tower in the background.
  • Unit balconies under construction, with a view of Salesforce Tower in the background.

  • The Spider crane - positioned inside the building and ready to work.
  • The Spider crane - positioned inside the building and ready to work.

  • The Spider crane in action.
  • The Spider crane in action.

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Attention: All Associates

The development team for 500 Folsom, our 42-story high-rise tower currently under construction in San Francisco, is back with an update on the project's progress.

Senior Development Manager, Rachael Stoddard, tells us, "When we last updated you, the project had just completed an almost 24-hour continuous pour of the foundation. Since then, the building has emerged from the dirt and is rising rapidly. So rapidly, we pour a new level of the building every three days! At the time of this article, we have poured 30 floors. To keep the project moving, the team often works around the clock. Our crane continues to grow with the building, climbing higher and higher into the air."

The team shares that in addition to the tower crane, a special tool called a "Spider crane" is being used for the project. The Spider crane is a small unit that is made to fit on temporary landing platforms, so that it may be hoisted to the next floor by the tower crane. Once on the floor, the Spider crane is low enough to pass throughout the floor, allowing the team to install unitized curtain wall panels (a.k.a. windows). This tool has kept the curtain wall installation operation moving quickly, and the project is already installing on level 18.

Recently, a photo shoot of the project's current progress was conducted. A few photos are shared in the slideshow above, and you can see all the photos in Photoshelter, using the password "Essex."

So, the next time you are in San Francisco, be sure to swing by First and Folsom Street, and look up!

500 Folsom is on track to open Summer 2019.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018 - 14:03

Last updated:
November 16, 2018