Essex IT MVP of the Year

Printer-friendly versionPDF version Wednesday, September 21, 2016

“Is Bill around?” A woman peeks over the glass wall of her cube. “I can’t log in to my computer. Can someone Lync him for me?”

Within moments, a slight man with slick hair, a broad smile and a somewhat-bulky, black jacket (his signature look) appears. It’s Bill Tsui from IT support, magically summoned via instant message.

The login issue is promptly addressed, and before running off, Bill briefly checks in with nearby desk mates to make sure everything’s running smoothly.

This is a typical scene from a modern office, to be sure. The difference—one that people notice—is the gust of fresh air that accompanies Bill when he makes the rounds.

“He doesn’t make you feel that your issue is minor—even if it is—and he shows up with a big smile,” says colleague Debbie Beasley. “I like to treat everyone like they’re my best friend,” Bill shrugs, “Even people I’ve just met.”

Bill joined Essex fairly recently, in December 2015, as an IT support analyst. Right away, his can-do attitude left a positive impression on his fellow E-Team members.

Just a few months later at the Annual Awards Gala, Bill was acknowledged as IT MVP of the Year. “I’m surprised to be recognized for this,” he says. “I feel like I’m just doing my best work every day.”

When Bill isn’t working hard at Essex, you can find him playing with his 3-year-old son. In spite of his love for tech, you won’t find them playing computer games. “I did fine without a tablet growing up! We usually go to the park to play.”



Friday, September 16, 2016 - 11:45

Last updated:
October 12, 2016