2021 Reputation Management: Q1 Update

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  • As a company, our 2021 KPI for external reputation management (Google and Yelp) is to achieve a score of 3.7 or higher. 
  • Each quarter, we will track cumulative scores beginning in January 2021 through the remainder of the year, in addition to providing you with a snapshot of your month-by-month score.
  • This report should serve as a benchmark for your performance throughout the year.
  • Our 2021 cumulative customer sentiment score on Google and Yelp for the entire portfolio is 3.5.
  • 117 communities are currently achieving a 2021 score of 3.7 or higher.
  • 96 communities currently have a 2021 score of below 3.7.
  • 28 communities did not receive any reviews in Q1.
  • The aggregate YTD scores by region are as follows:
    • ​Orange County: 4.0  (76% of the region has a score of 3.7 or higher)
    • Pacific Northwest: 3.6  (44% of the region has a score of 3.7 or higher)
    • Los Angeles/ Ventura: 3.6  (49% of the region has a score of 3.7 or higher)
    • Northern California: 3.3  (45% of the region has a score of 3.7 or higher) 
    • San Diego: 3.2  (32% of the region has a score of 3.7 or higher)
  • To track your community's reputation management scores, please review our full 2021 leaderboard HERE


  • As a company, our 2021 KPI for internal reputation management (Review Builder) is to achieve a customer satisfaction rate of 90% or higher.
  • Additionally, our on-site team KPI is to respond to 100% of all surveys received to improve resident experience by quickly and effectively responding to their needs.
  • Each quarter, we will track cumulative scores beginning in January 2021 through the remainder of the year.


  • We have received a total of 6,526 surveys since January 2021.
  • Our 2021 customer sentiment score for Review Builder aggregated across all five survey types is 86% satisfied (happy face).
  • Our 2021 associate response rate to all survey types is 97%.
  • The aggregate YTD satisfaction scores by survey type are as follows:
    • ​Move-In: 79% satisfied
    • Move-Out: 74% satisfied
    • Pre-Renewal: 60% satisfied
    • Prospect: 86% satisfied
    • Work Order: 92% satisfied
  • The aggregate YTD satisfaction scores by region are as follows:
    • Pacific Northwest: 90% satisfied
    • Orange County: 88% satisfied
    • Los Angeles/ Ventura: 86% satisfied
    • San Diego: 86% satisfied
    • Northern California: 83% satisfied

As a general best practice, all communities should strive to:
  • Continue to provide the best possible experience for our residents and prospects
  • Ask happy prospects and residents to write a review
  • Analyze the topics on which negative feedback is being received—e.g., curb appeal, customer service, noise
  • Determine if there any immediate changes that could be made to prevent similar feedback in the future—e.g., property walks, training, community policy reminder
  • Reach out to residents who posted negative reviews and attempt to remedy any concerns
  • If you are able to come to a resolution and feel it’s appropriate, ask the resident if they would be willing to change their review based on this recent experience
  • Proactively communicate with residents about any updates or happenings at your community, such as temporary amenity closures, construction, policy changes, new staff
Click here for more information on tips and best practices.

We encourage Community Managers to use Chatmeter to see and review your reputation scores regularly. The information below can be viewed by clicking on the “Reviews” tab, selecting the dates you would like to see reviews for, and narrowing down the providers to Yelp and Google. If you have any questions, please contact communications@essex.com.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021 - 13:16

Last updated:
April 28, 2021