Updated Standard Office Hours

Wednesday, September 6, 2017
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Attention: All Leasing Office Associates

Effective Wednesday, September 6, the lease documents and any applicable notices for in-person rent payments will be updated with standard office hours across the portfolio.

Please note that this does not affect your current office hours, and no changes to your office hours are required. Any changes to office hours require DM approval.

The update states that any extended or modified hours are posted at the Leasing Office. This statement provides the flexibility for each Leasing Office to maintain their specific office hours as usual.
 This item was also featured in this week's E-Hour.
What are the details of this change? 

  • The lease will now indicate that the standard office hours are Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. and that any extended or modified hours are posted at the Leasing Office.
  • Any applicable notices will also be updated to reflect the standard hours of 10 a.m.-5 p.m. for in-person rent payments.

Why did we make this change?
This update allows for standardized lease language, consistent across the portfolio

  • Updates to the lease are not required each time there is an adjustment to office hours at the community
  • The stated hours accommodate the E-Hour schedule
  • Actual open office hours at the community are not affected

Any action items?
There’s nothing you need to do – we just want to keep you informed.
Please contact your RPM if you have any questions about this change.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017 - 15:08

Last updated:
September 13, 2017