Wage Works

Wage Works/Health Equity is our administrator for both Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) and Commuter Benefits! You can set aside pre-taxed dollars for healthcare, dependent care, and public transportation! See below for more details on our programs.

Flexible Spending Account (FSA)

A Flexible Spending Account lets you set aside money, before it's taxed, through payroll deductions. The money can be used for eligible healthcare and dependent care expenses you and your family expect to have over the next year. The main benefit of using an FSA is that you reduce your taxable income, which means you have more money to spend! You can only carry over $550 of your unused funds to the next plan year. Estimating your expenses accurately is important, so plan carefully. You must re-enroll in the program each year.

Healthcare FSA
This plan allows you to pay for eligible out-of-pocket healthcare expenses (ask us if you are unsure!) with pre-tax dollars. You must elect at least $200 annually and eligible expenses include medical, dental, or vision costs including plan deductibles, copays, coinsurance amounts, and other non-covered healthcare costs for you and your tax dependents. You may access your entire annual election from the first day of the plan year and you can set aside up to $2,750 in 2022.

Dependent Care FSA
This plan allows you to pay for eligible out-of-pocket dependent care expenses with pre-tax dollars. You must elect at least $500 annually and eligible expenses may include daycare centers, in-home child care, and before or after school care for dependent children under age 13. Other individuals may qualify if they are considered your tax dependent and are incapable of self-care. It is important to note that you can access money only after it is placed into your dependent care FSA account.  


Dependent care givers must have a tax ID or Social Security number. This information must be included on your federal tax return. If you use the dependent care reimbursement account, the IRS will not allow you to claim a dependent care credit for reimbursed expenses. Consult your tax advisor to determine whether you should enroll in this plan. You can set aside up to $5,000 per household for eligible dependent care expenses for the year.

Important Considerations

  • You must re-enroll in this benefit each year during Open Enrollment.
  • Expenses must be incurred between 01/01/2022 and 12/31/2022 and submitted for reimbursement no later than 03/31/2023.
  • Elections cannot be changed during the plan year, unless you have a qualified change in family status (and the election change must be consistent with the event).
  • You can keep (roll over) up to $550 of unused Healthcare FSA money for use in the next plan year. Unused amounts above $550 will be lost, so it is very important that you plan carefully before making your election.
  • FSA funds can be used for you, your spouse, and your tax dependents only. Expenses incurred by spouse or dependents can still be reimbursed, even if they are not covered on the Essex health plan.
  • You cannot obtain reimbursement for eligible expenses for a domestic partner or their children, unless they qualify as your tax dependents (Important: questions about the tax status of your dependents should be addressed with your tax advisor).
  • Keep your receipts! In most cases, you'll need to provide proof that your expenses were considered eligible for IRS purposes.

Commuter Benefits

If you have out-of-pocket commuting expenses for work, either by taking public transportation or for worksite parking, this is the perfect benefit for you! Commuter Benefits let you set aside pre-tax money through payroll deductions. You may enroll or stop participating in this program at any time. Money in this account can be used in future months or plan years. If you leave Essex, any unused account balance will be lost. The maximum amount of pre-tax funds you can set aside in 2022 is: up to $270 per month in parking expenses and up to $270 per month in transportation. You can set up to $540 per month, combining pre-tax and post-tax contributions.


  1. Go to www.wageworks.com.
  2. Choose the Log In/Registration drop down in the top right hand corner and click on employee registration.
  3. Follow the step by step instructions. When filling out the "Identify Yourself" portion, your ID Code is the last four digits of your social security number.
  4. Remember to fill out each page of registration until you see the confirmation details!

If you have any questions, please submit a ticket by going to Service Now portal and select Request Something, then click on HR and submit your inquiry to Total Rewards/Benefits.

November 2, 2021

Last updated:
November 02, 2021