Worker's Compensation

If a work related injury has taken place on or after May 1, 2021, please follow the steps below to report the claim. Any injury to an associate must be reported to within 24 hours of injury.

  1. Offer the associate the DWC-1 form (located on right side under “useful links”).
  2. Offer the associate medical treatment (please see below for instructions on where to refer).
  3. If the associate requires medical treatment, please log on to to refer to the closest occupational clinic. Please follow the steps below:
  • Once on the main page, please click on “Address Search”
  • Add the zip code of the community or the associate’s home address
  • Under “Networks” please select “Sedgwick National”
  • Under “Search Distance” please select “15” miles
  • Under “Provider Types” please select “Initial Care”
  • Once done, please press Find Providers
  • From the list that you have now generated, please provide the associate with at least 3 options
  • Please note:  If the injury suffered is severe and requires immediate attention, please send the associate to the nearest emergency room.​
  1. If the associate denies/refuses medical treatment, please have them sign the medical refusal form (located on right side, under “useful links”).
  2. Please call the Sedgwick’s (our claims management company) dedicated Essex hotline to report the claim:  1-866-283-3950.  You will be asked a series of questions to complete the claims reporting process.
  3. Once the claim has been reported, you will receive a claim number. IF a claim number is not given, it means that a claim has not been reported.
  4. Please complete the worker injury report form (located on the right side under “useful links”).
  • Investigate the hazard. Managers should evaluate the cause of injury and refer to the Injury Illness Prevention Plan for information regarding citing, repairing, or preventing future injuries
  1. After the claim has been reported to Sedgwick, please send the DWC-1 claim form, worker injury report, claim number and medical clinic information to
  2. If the associate has work restrictions, please contact to review any modified duty/accommodation requests.
    • Any doctor’s notes, work status reports, etc. should be sent to
    • If the work restrictions cannot be accommodated or the associate is placed off work by the Work Comp Physician, Manager must send notification to in order to initiate the leave of absence process. 

** Please note for injury dates on or prior to April 30, 2021, the workers compensation claims will continue to be handled by our prior insurance carrier, Travelers.  No interruption are expected in obtaining medical treatment under these existing claims.  If you are filing a new claim with a date of injury on or prior to April 30, 2021, please send required documentation as referenced above to and you will be provided with further directions to file those claims with Travelers.

If a work related injury has taken place, please follow the steps below to report the claim. 

  1. If the associate requires medical treatment, please log on to to refer to the closest medical provider. Please follow the steps below:
    • Please select "claims"
    • Please select “for workers”
    • Please choose “find a doctor”
    • Enter your zip code and select a provider
    • The injured associate must tell the doctor the injury is work related in order to file a claim with LNI.
  2. Once you have seen the provider and it was has been determined that the injury is work related by the physician – the provider’s office will send the claim to the insurance company directly.
  3. Please complete the worker injury report form (located on the right side under useful links) and send it to MUST be completed within 24 hours of incident.
    • Investigate the hazard. Managers should evaluate the cause of injury and refer to the Injury Illness Prevention Plan for information regarding citing, repairing, or preventing future injuries.
  4. If the associate has work restrictions, please contact to review any modified duty/accommodation requests.
  5. If the work restrictions cannot be accommodated or the associate is placed off work by the Work Comp Physician, the Manager must request a Leave of Absence in Workday

  If the injury suffered is severe and requires immediate attention, please send the associate to the nearest emergenc

June 8, 2021

Last updated:
June 08, 2021