New Hire: Operations


New Requisitions are opened in Workday and managed through iCIMS.

1. Open Position: (note all non budgeted positions require Ops Management/Executive approval)
Hiring managers will log into Workday to create a new requisition. Positions will be posted on the Company’s website and external job boards.

2. Identifying and Interviewing Candidates:
Candidates must apply online through the Company's website at Essex Apartment Homes Careers. Candidates will be required to create a profile, upload their resume, and complete the employment application.
Recruiting will review all resumes and forward qualified candidates to the hiring manager's iCIMS dashboard.
The hiring manager will conduct phone screens and invite qualified candidates for in-person interviews: Review interview guides here.

  • Community Manager candidates require Divisional Manager approval.
  • Maintenance Supervisor candidates must be interviewed and approved by a member of CMS or Sr. Maintenance Supervisor.
  • Hiring Manager MUST enter notes in iCIMS after the interview.  

3. Offer Request:
Hiring manager submits offer letter request in iCIMS by completing Offer Details and Offer Approval tabs. * For hourly positions, pay should be between the min and mid range. Anything above, needs HR Compensation approval.  
Once the Offer Request is reviewed and approved by RPM and HR, you will be asked to verbally extend the offer to the candidate. Once HR has been notified the offer was accepted, an offer letter, Reference form, and Background Disclosure Form will be sent to the candidate.

4. Offer Letter, References, and Background:  (A reminder the candidate MUST accept their offer within 48 hours.  They MUST also take their drug screen within 48 hours of acceptance of offer)
Offer letters, are sent via ICIMS  and background paperwork is sent directly to the candidate from our vendor EBI. 

This managed by EBI our vendor. It takes approximately 7-14 business days to receive the background results. HR will notify hiring manager of status via email.
*WA state DMV requires a MVR release form to be completed with a wet signature by the candidate to conduct the driving history check.

5. IT Access and Equipment:
Hiring Manager must complete a ServiceNow request to attain network access and request any equipment that may be needed. 

January 28, 2021

Last updated:
January 28, 2021