Move-in Related Work Order Report

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The purpose of this training guide is to assist Essex associates in gaining an understanding of how to use the Move-in Related Work Order Report.

Visibility into our move-in related repairs provides an incredible opportunity to make a meaningful impact on the first impressions we deliver to our new residents. Below are a few tips for how to use this information: 

  • Schedule monthly meetings to review the previous month’s work orders. As you read through the descriptions, have conversations about whether we could have avoided any of them. If you see a few leaking sinks, perhaps those should be checked a little more diligently.
  • You may find common work orders for mailbox keys that should have been delivered upon move-in, not through a work order after the resident moved in and realized that they didn’t have one.
  • There may be several work orders from residents asking us to show them how to use something in the apartment, like the thermostat, or an appliance. This type of information could be relayed at the move-in orientation. A proactive approach like that conveys professionalism.
  • As an RPM you could run this report for a newly developed property to determine if there’s a deficiency that should be brought to that builder’s attention, especially if there are still phases in production. 


April 1, 2020

Last updated:
April 01, 2020