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Jasson Reyes2/8/2022 07:11 AM
thank for The Gift
Jasson Reyes2/8/2022 07:11 AM
thank for The Gift
Michael Sharps2/24/2023 10:16 AM
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur egestas iaculis lacus, a varius ligula condimentum quis. In venenatis diam laoreet odio malesuada, eget consequat libero ornare. Duis eget est sed ante dignissim fermentum. Nunc et egestas risus, vel malesuada massa. Vestibulum tortor nisl, malesuada sit amet hendrerit ut, pretium ac lectus. Praesent faucibus, risus nec ultricies fringilla, sapien tellus maximus erat, non ultricies odio felis nec magna. Aliquam gravida ullamcorper lacus vitae mattis. Nulla consequat nunc vitae nisi posuere viverra. Aenean pretium felis orci, vel pellentesque nunc rhoncus nec. Donec a tortor neque. Praesent posuere ligula eu purus volutpat efficitur. Mauris nec suscipit ante. Nulla urna risus, ullamcorper quis arcu et, faucibus aliquet lectus. Morbi porta sit amet felis eu tempor. Cras non auctor massa, at mollis leo. Mauris et enim at lacus cursus tristique. Suspendisse in nunc diam. Cras vitae tellus commodo, semper justo sed, venenatis magna. Vivamus ultricies faucibus erat, id laoreet lacus accumsan eget. In sagittis vehicula mattis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque egestas, risus sit amet convallis vehicula, est sem imperdiet massa, et fringilla erat augue ac eros. Etiam convallis enim vitae nunc vehicula, eget fermentum leo mattis. Sed non iaculis ligula. Vivamus lobortis ornare nunc, sit amet euismod ipsum rhoncus non. Nunc nec turpis finibus, tincidunt enim eget, malesuada tellus. Proin sed enim dui. Donec pharetra posuere purus, at tincidunt mi posuere ac. Nulla non venenatis ante. Quisque porta justo vel tortor finibus, at ornare orci pretium. Nunc sed nisi non elit pellentesque egestas. Vivamus rhoncus diam lorem, sit amet faucibus massa aliquam a. Phasellus accumsan eu massa sed fringilla. Praesent ipsum ipsum, porttitor eleifend ligula ac, egestas vestibulum risus. Cras a posuere enim. Nam ornare quam et lorem facilisis iaculis. Integer et lectus vel elit tristique molestie eget a turpis. Curabitur laoreet erat vel augue commodo porttitor. Duis ac sagittis arcu. Duis vitae tellus ut ex semper viverra. Nulla aliquam sagittis felis quis ullamcorper. Nam id tellus eu nisi euismod tempor vitae id metus. Proin sed feugiat massa. Donec id pretium ligula. Phasellus semper pretium tortor, a porta felis hendrerit eu. Nam purus nibh, mollis id dui id, auctor congue metus. Sed at egestas lectus, nec malesuada justo. Proin tempor sapien eu condimentum dictum. Maecenas sit amet turpis ligula. Nulla feugiat, est non suscipit faucibus, neque metus eleifend odio, eget laoreet ex odio sit amet risus.
Eduardo ceballos12/8/2021 04:30 PM
Thank you very much for all your help.
Mauricio perez12/7/2021 09:37 AM
thank you very much
Jairo Aguilar12/7/2021 05:21 PM
Thank you Essex !!!
Madinah12/7/2021 04:12 PM
I cant be the only one that shed a tear !! Thank you Essex. I'm so appreciative.
miguel tamayo12/7/2021 03:53 PM
thank you so much! This will help a lot!
Fernando Murguia12/6/2021 08:12 AM
thanks so much
heidi aden12/4/2021 10:40 AM
Thank you so much!
Cesar Hernandez12/4/2021 08:01 PM
Essex you are Awesome! Thank you so much. May God keep blessing Essex & everyone who makes this a great place to work in.
Claudia V12/4/2021 07:37 AM
Thank you, Essex! I'm very grateful to be part of an amazing company that truly cares about its associates.
Michelle Good12/4/2021 02:08 PM
Thank you all so very much for listening and caring for all of us in these hard times. I appreciate each and every one of you. Many Blessings
Carissa Hill12/3/2021 12:58 PM
This has blown me away. I've worked for companies that never really followed through with their claim of really caring so, I am pushed near tears after this week of giving from the E-team. Thank you Essex- I can't explain my gratitude.
Robert Bilderback 12/3/2021 12:49 PM
awesome thank you so much
Shelby O'Shea12/3/2021 11:59 AM
Thank you so much, Essex! This has been an incredible week! What a FANTASTIC Company!!!
Katie Landron12/3/2021 11:39 AM
12-03-21 Yet again. . .ESSEX has "TKO'd" me. I have "hit the floor" HARD with Sundays off in the leasing dept ! Time is precious and Top mgmt has given the ultimate in this occupation ! ! The Gifts were over-whelming in the best possible WAY. Thanks Maggie A. and Verenice A. for HELPING me up OFF the Floor ! ! ! Giggle
Sarah12/3/2021 11:34 AM
When I started this summer, the training talked about how "Essex Cares". A LOT of companies say this.. but not many actually back it with their words with their actions. *Act with Integrity*Lead at Every Level* I love that 'Essex Cares' what its employees value while also making sure the residents, prospects, and their shareholders are also satisfied. *Care about What Matters* They don't have to short one group out to make another happy. *Seek Fairness* I feel blessed to be a part of this company. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to help people find homes while also being able to enjoy my time off at home (or out in nature like at a National Park)! Thank you for the extra bonus which will be so helpful for holiday shopping!!
Tara Watson12/3/2021 11:17 AM
This has been SUCH a fun week! - the anticipation of the team coming in each morning and gathering around the computers with each day really being better than the last has been nothing short of incredible. On site moral and team bonding seems better than ever & seeing the teams excitement over the announcements each day has really been a wonderful thing to see. Thank you for making us feel really valued and appreciated!!
Romulo Figuera12/3/2021 10:54 AM
Thank you the bonus is going to help for the holiday season. Love it
Brenda Alvergue12/3/2021 10:44 AM
Thank you so much! I love Essex and this just a cherry on top.
Danielle Reyes12/3/2021 10:38 AM
This is Ah-Mazing!!! I feel like standing on top of the building to yell "Essex is THE Best!" I ran to find my associates that were busy working and told them the great news. My heart is full. Thank you!
Matt San Nicolas12/3/2021 10:32 PM
Thank you, much appreciated.
Andres Cavallero 12/3/2021 10:30 AM
Most grateful! WOW! Happy holidays!
Holly Barton12/3/2021 10:28 AM
WOW!!! Thank you so much, for everything. Very much appreciated.
Fritzie Ongjoco12/3/2021 10:24 AM
Thank you!!!
Robert Goerss12/3/2021 10:19 AM
I've worked all over the place and haven't seen this type of appreciation for staff anywhere. Some jobs will do Christmas parties, with Costco pizza and some 7-ups. Other places will have secret Santa, as if anyone needs another person to buy a gift for. But this, this is exactly what people want. PTO, extra time off, and money to spend while off. Thank You!
Jami G.12/3/2021 10:14 AM
Wow! Thank you again Essex! So happy to be a part of company that cares about their employees. Thank you Essex so grateful.
Jami G.12/3/2021 10:14 AM
Wow! Thank you again Essex! So happy to be a part of company that cares about their employees. Thank you Essex so grateful.
William Fronczak12/3/2021 10:12 AM
Thank you Essex! Essex is truly setting the bar when it comes to taking care of us. Thank you!
Lisa Acosta 12/3/2021 10:11 AM
Amazing!!! Thank You Essex
Meabelyn Avalos12/3/2021 10:01 AM
Thank you Essex!!! This has been an exciting week, filled with anticipation and gratitude for everything this company has surprised us with! I feel blessed to work for a company that truly cares about their most important asset, US!!! Happy Holidays :-)
Anonymous12/3/2021 09:48 AM
Thank you Essex!!! Wow this is amazing :)
Angelina Vasquez12/3/2021 09:46 AM
This is amazing! I feel really blessed to work for Essex. Thank you for everything!
Janie Yang12/3/2021 09:39 AM
This Week of Giving has been incredible! So very thankful to be a part of Essex!
Samantha Matthews12/3/2021 09:37 AM
Thank you for everything, I am so happy I work for a company as great as Essex!
Cynthia Madden12/3/2021 09:37 AM
Anonymous 12/3/2021 09:36 AM
Thank you for the bonus and the parks pass but I am genuinely curious as to why corporate associates were left out of the additional PTO days? It seems as though we are being treated as if we work less than the on site teams. Many of us associates who work from home now just recently transitioned from working at the properties and this just seems a bit unfair. We should all be thanked equally for our work for the company.
Maribel Garcia12/3/2021 09:36 AM
Thank you!!!
Jennifer Moreno 12/3/2021 09:35 AM
SO SO SO SO AMAZING!! Thank you Essex for this entire week of giving. It is truly amazing to work for a company that cares for their employees! I appreciate all of it! :D
Jessica Rodriguez12/3/2021 09:35 AM
Thank you so much! All of these amazing gifts help more than you'll ever know!
Jonathan M. Smith 12/3/2021 09:34 AM
Thank you so much! Essex is the best! Happy Holidays
Alicia Kunz12/3/2021 09:33 AM
Wooohooo! BRB, going shopping haha. Thank you!!!
Sharon Bowen12/3/2021 09:33 AM
Thank you Essex for your generosity! I appreciate you, appreciating us!
Kendra M12/3/2021 09:32 AM
Thank You!
Maria Huezo12/3/2021 09:32 AM
Wow! This is beyond AWESOME! What a blessing, I am so grateful. Thank you Essex for making our Holidays Extra special.♥♥ I wish you All a Merry Christmas, and a very happy and prosperous NEW year ♥♥
Another Disappointment 12/3/2021 09:31 PM
After we finally felt appreciated for our hard work and for the many years spent away from our family and kids on Sundays, our regionals have decided that we probably don't need to be working any more Sundays. This is done with complete disregard of the years we have spent working the Sundays because of the property's needs. All of a sudden, the property doesn't need any care on Sundays! And the maintenance on call will stay blocked at home waiting for the next emergency call. This is disappointing and offensive and it's also one of the reasons why it's hard to retain good employees. Despite the local management, we appreciate the effort that the corporate office put to show us appreciation after many years. From the pacific north.
Ozzie Duarte12/3/2021 09:31 AM
This. is. so. awesome!
Carlos Potes12/3/2021 09:31 AM
This is Awesome, thank you very much for everything you are doing. You knocked me off my feet. ESSEX ROCKS!!!!!!!
Danielle Ware12/3/2021 09:31 AM
Thank you! I am truly Grateful and blessed to work with a company who cares!
Greta Malloy12/3/2021 09:28 AM
Wow! In today's world of unrest, we are truly blessed to work for a company that does SO MUCH for its associates to show they care. Thank you Essex for all of the generous gifts and kindness!
Josh12/3/2021 09:27 AM
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Larissa Lee12/3/2021 09:24 AM
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! All of this extra giving is very appreciated. Happy Holidays Essex!
Jennifer Esquivel12/3/2021 09:24 AM
WOW!! Thank you so much!! This means and helps more then you think! So glad to be a part of this week of giving!!
Savannah Geimer 12/3/2021 09:24 AM
Wow!! I just started with Essex on 12/1/2021 and my excitement has increased TENFOLD!! I've never felt more appreciated at a company and it's only my third day. Looking forward to working with everyone!!
Damian C12/3/2021 09:21 AM
You cant see me but im doing the floss
John Worsham12/3/2021 09:14 AM
Coooooooooooooooooooooool!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love these 5 days of Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let's do it again!!!!!lol
Theresa Basaldua12/3/2021 09:13 AM
OMG! Feeling grateful! Thank you so much! :)
eriberto cigarroa12/3/2021 08:37 AM
great tanks... and happy holydays
Sharif Ali12/3/2021 02:47 PM
Thank you to leadership for continuing to show, not just talk about how much you care!
Kevin Forsyth12/3/2021 02:06 PM
So proud to work with this great company! Thank you
John Klein12/3/2021 01:46 PM
Much thanks and appreciation to the Essex Leadership Team! Coming from a previous Corporate Leadership position, I know it's not easy keeping your investors and your associates happy at the same time. Great stuff! Thank You very much and have a wonderful blessed holiday season!
Tommie Johnson 12/3/2021 01:28 PM
Thank you so Much !! For All the Appreciation & Giving this week to our Essex Team it speaks volumes and is much Appreciated we are Truly Grateful ! I wish you all a safe & Blessed time with your Family & Friends ! Happy Hollidays to Everyone !!
Danika Thomas12/3/2021 01:08 PM
WOW, just WOW!! Thank you so much for this week of giving! I can't express my true gratitude in words, but I wanted to be sure I thanked everyone who made this happen!
Jami Galan12/2/2021 09:49 PM
Thank you Essex!
Robert Bilderback 12/2/2021 09:34 AM
That is awesome thank you hope you all have a blessed holidays
Samantha Matthews12/2/2021 09:33 AM
Thank you so much!!
Michelle Castaneda12/2/2021 09:31 AM
Truely greatful to Essex for hearing our request for better work/life balance.
Erin Morella12/2/2021 09:30 AM
This is So Amazing!!! Thank You, Essex.
Karissa Ramirez 12/2/2021 09:25 AM
Wow! I am so happy to work for a company who truly values their employees! This is awesome and very much appreciated. A BIG thank you to my Essex family!
Michelle12/2/2021 09:18 AM
This is an amazing week full of surprises, thank you!!
Casey Black12/2/2021 09:18 AM
This is AMAZING!! Thank you!
Theresa Basaldua12/2/2021 09:18 AM
This is so amazing, I got emotional! Feeling grateful! Thank you!
anthony sanfilippo12/2/2021 04:17 PM
this is great. my question would be what if your already maxed out with pto? will you still receive these extra days?
mayela andrade12/2/2021 03:57 PM
tkank you so much ESSEX U THE BEST EVER
Anonymous12/2/2021 03:04 PM
Tommie Johnson 12/2/2021 01:21 PM
This is Awesome News ! Were very Grateful !! Thank you Essex !
Rebekah Salaam12/11/2021 02:44 PM
Carlos del valle12/10/2021 08:40 AM
I just want to said thank you, this is the first time this company gave $ 500 to each of his employees.....after working, for many years, god bless you all...…..
Ramiro 12/10/2021 07:49 AM
amazing , thank thank
Danielle Reyes12/1/2021 12:47 PM
This is why I work for Essex. Period! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
Ashley Standen12/1/2021 12:36 PM
This week just keeps getting better and better! I love how much Essex cares for all the employees! Thank you!
Jonathan M. Smith 12/1/2021 11:19 AM
Thank you
Nick Fonseca12/1/2021 11:00 AM
That is amazing for all associates!
Brent Harroo12/1/2021 10:53 AM
I just went to Zion last week. Can't wait to use my pass!
Paul Ricks12/1/2021 10:43 AM
Thank you Essex a company that truly cares about there employees.
Brenda Alvergue12/1/2021 10:38 AM
So excited for all the new things coming! :) Thank you!
Kaeleigh McHenry12/1/2021 10:31 AM
OH MY GOODNESS. Literally speechless right now, and feel like I could burst into tears of gratitude. This is an INCREDIBLE gift, not only for the maintenance associates who work on Sundays, but also to those of us who genuinely stress over trying to keep offices staffed in the face of shortages, sick days, and PTO. THANK YOU.
Moises 12/1/2021 10:30 AM
Does this apply to porters if they work Sundays already?
Octavio Sanchez12/1/2021 10:28 AM
Woah, I can’t wait to hear more of the details but that’s amazing!!
Rosey12/1/2021 10:27 AM
Essex! This is lovely. Thank you for the gifts! So Excited to head to the outdoors.
Larissa 12/1/2021 10:18 AM
This is really AMAZING!!!!! Thank you Essex!
Stef12/1/2021 10:06 AM
Amazing, thank you!!
Patricia Whitlock12/1/2021 09:59 AM
Grateful beyond measure - thank you Essex!!
Lisa Melendrez12/1/2021 09:57 AM
You just made our Collection very, very happy! Thank You!
eddie12/1/2021 09:50 AM
This could not have come in a better time... thank you!!!!!
Francesca Avila12/1/2021 09:45 AM
Well done! :-)
Meabelyn Avalos12/1/2021 09:41 AM
WAY TO GO ESSEX!!! I know all of our onsite team appreciate this, THANK YOU!!
Therese Eck12/1/2021 09:37 AM
AWESOME and Whoop Whoop!!!!!
Jeannette Chai12/1/2021 09:30 AM
Thank you!!! This is amazing!!
Gabriella De La Vega12/1/2021 09:28 AM
GOOOOO ESSEX! Feels so good to work for a company that CARES!
Ozzie Duarte12/1/2021 09:27 AM
Darryl Verrette12/1/2021 09:24 AM
This is amazing!!! This means a lot to the team. Thank you!!!!
Theresa Basaldua12/1/2021 09:21 AM
Essex is an amazing company to work for, this is great news! Thank you!
Shantel Jenks12/1/2021 09:19 AM
Best Christmas gift EVER!!!! I've been waiting for this moment for ever.......
Toni Marie Razo12/1/2021 09:19 AM
Grateful. Thank you.
Anonymous12/1/2021 09:13 AM
This is so exciting!
Samantha Martinez 12/1/2021 09:13 AM
This is so amazing!!
Jose magana12/1/2021 07:44 AM
thank you for caring about us
mayela andrade12/1/2021 07:12 AM
thank you so much to all of you
mayela andrade12/1/2021 07:12 AM
thank you so much to all of you
???12/1/2021 05:45 PM
It looked like good news but now it seems like Regional Mangers dont want the person that works on Sundays working on that day any more. They rather have the property be left alone. It was like giving candy to a baby and taking it back. (sad) :{. Here in OC
Fernando Murguia12/1/2021 02:52 PM
thanks for the extra day Essex care about there employees and there family thanks again
abel munoz 11/30/2021 12:50 PM
I Can't wait I am ready
Nancy Kelly11/30/2021 12:46 PM
This is a very thoughtful and wonderful gift to give us all. It is truly appreciated and I love being a part of this company!
Kathy Tapia11/30/2021 12:25 PM
Essex is such, an amazing company to work for! I am proud to be here and "THANK YOU" for always thinking of your employees!!!
Maggie Angulo11/30/2021 11:56 AM
I continue to be Surprised & Proud to work for such an AMAZING company! ❤️ Thank you!
Cynthia Madden11/30/2021 11:55 AM
Awwww... Nature... Absolutely BEAUTIFUL! What a kind gesture. Thank you!
Jen Miranda11/30/2021 10:54 AM
This is such a thoughtful gift. Thank you Essex - can’t wait to get out there with my Yeti! :)
Heather 11/30/2021 10:36 AM
As new employee, I am so excited and grateful!! I LOVE YETTY!!!!
Kenneth Marapese11/30/2021 10:27 AM
I hike, backpack and overland all the time, my pass will be well used, thank you!
Martha Andrade11/30/2021 10:15 AM
YETI and Nature! Best combination! Giving Thanks ;)
Kevin Forsyth11/30/2021 10:01 AM
Thank you ESSEX!!! Yosemite here I come... Essex truly cares about their employees.....
Kevin Forsyth11/30/2021 09:54 AM
Thank you ESSEX!!! Yosemite here I come... Essex truly cares about their employees.....
Ashley Zarro11/30/2021 09:50 AM
This is so awesome!! Thank you!!
Crystal Rodgers 11/30/2021 09:49 AM
Such a gracious and thoughtful gift. My husband and I have wanted to take our daughter to Yosemite. Looks like we're packing our bags!!
Maribel Garcia11/30/2021 09:47 AM
Truly appreciate the thoughtfulness, amazing gift. Thank you!
Paul Ricks11/30/2021 09:40 AM
That was breath taking of these beautiful areas and love to see in the near future.
Norma Arinaga11/30/2021 09:39 AM
This is awesome!! Thank you!!
Jennie DeLaney11/30/2021 09:38 AM
This is amazing!!!! Thank you again for this awesome gift!
Morgan11/30/2021 09:36 AM
I absolutely love this! As someone who loves to hike and explore, this is a wonderful gift!
Ashley Standen11/30/2021 09:30 AM
*Now is my chance! :-) (Spelling error on previous comment)
Meabelyn Avalos11/30/2021 09:30 AM
What an amazing gift! Thank you Essex!!
Theresa Basaldua11/30/2021 09:30 AM
Thank you! I love this!
Riley Bellwood11/30/2021 09:29 AM
That's super cool. Love it!!
Ashley Standen11/30/2021 09:27 AM
This is so exciting! What a great idea. I love being outdoors and have wanted to visit many parks, no is my chance! Thank you ESSEX!!! Truly the BEST company!!
Maria Huezo11/30/2021 09:23 AM
How exciting!!! Thank you, Essex, for always thinking of our health and well-being. Nature is awesome, it's good for your body and soul :)
Elizabeth Guardado11/30/2021 09:20 AM
Thank you so much
Elizabeth Guardado11/30/2021 09:20 AM
Thank you so much
Kim Gould11/30/2021 09:19 AM
What a great idea! I love Yosemite and Mount Rainier! Thank you so much!
Samantha Matthews11/30/2021 09:17 AM
Thank you!
renato v 11/30/2021 09:16 AM
Thank you Essex.. on be half of the city team . we are excited to take advantage of this great incentive that Essex is doing for there employees . :)
Victoria Franco11/30/2021 09:15 AM
This is SO GREAT! I was even looking into going back to Zion and Yosemite in 2022 so this just amazing! Thank you so much you have no idea how happy I am!
Kaitlyn Farley11/30/2021 09:11 AM
Thank you so much!! My pass is about to expire so this is PERFECT! Grateful for this company and my awesome coworkers too!
Patsy Moore11/30/2021 09:09 AM
So wonderful.. Thank you!
Question11/30/2021 09:09 AM
Hasn't hiking always been free? Or does this cover parking?
Octavio Sanchez11/30/2021 08:58 AM
That’s fantastic, I hope we also get extra time off to visit our great national parks using our new annual park pass!
James Raper11/30/2021 08:34 AM
I can't wait to put this to good use !
Kori Freeman11/30/2021 08:33 AM
WOW, thank you so much!!
Jonathan M. Smith 11/30/2021 08:32 AM
Thank you so much
Aurelio Fernandez11/30/2021 08:13 AM
_______________ ---->Thank you<--- _______________
Mark Erickson11/30/2021 04:25 PM
A wonderful surprise! Very much appreciated!!
anon11/30/2021 04:13 PM
Is this only for ops associates?
Nancy Garcia11/30/2021 02:51 PM
Great gift and great idea to truly reset our minds! Thank you
Jennifer Hirjak11/30/2021 02:10 PM
Thank you for this amazing gift! I am excited to check out some of our National Parks. My daughter has already put in her vote for Yellowstone, Glacier and Grand Teton!
Katie Landron11/30/2021 01:19 PM
OOOOOOhhhh MY GOSH ! ! How very Thoughtful ! I accept the Challenge to GET out and MOVE ! Our park systems in this Great country are AMAZING. I have been fortunate to have experienced some of them. Wooo - Hooo thank you just doesn't cover it!
efrain cervantes11/30/2021 01:03 PM
thank you
Ana11/29/2021 12:22 PM
Excited to see what these updates could be! Thank you for the extra time off to be with our loved ones.
Torri 11/29/2021 10:42 AM
The anticipation is crazy! I'm so ready for this!
Confused11/29/2021 10:38 AM
Just so that I'm understanding this correctly, the announcement... is to wait on the announcement?
Linda McLean11/29/2021 10:21 AM
Thank you!!!
Marvin Leiva 11/29/2021 10:14 AM
Thank you Essex for all benefits and everything you do to keep us happy and supportive .
Kim Nelson11/29/2021 10:02 AM
WOW, very exciting. We are truly blessed to work for such a great company. I am excited to see what's coming up this week! Thank you in advance!!!
Christina Perez 11/29/2021 10:02 AM
I have only been here less than a month but since day 1 I felt like part of the Essex family. My manager is amazing as well as my co-workers. Thank you for making me feel like part of a great team.
Jennie DeLaney11/29/2021 09:55 AM
I am thankful Essex keeps its associates at the forefront and finding ways that encourage a greater balance between work and life. I look forward to the good news! Thank you for a great 3.5 years with Essex!
Riko11/29/2021 09:53 AM
Lets go!!!
Theresa Basaldua11/29/2021 09:45 AM
How exciting! I can't wait, love the anticipation!
Madeleine Rodriguez11/29/2021 09:44 AM
WOW! So exciting to see what Essex has waiting for us, whatever it may be it is truly appreciated! Thank you in for CARING.
Anonymous11/29/2021 09:36 AM
I'm confused, our big news is we'll have news tomorrow? Please reconsider.
Tracy LoVerde- San Marcos11/29/2021 09:32 AM
OMG! What does ESSEX have in-store for us now? I don't know what it is, but I'm already FULL of THANKS! :)
Amber Verrette11/29/2021 09:22 AM
I am so excited to see what's coming this week!
December 3, 2021

Last updated:
December 03, 2021