Power Up Program

Power Up is our robust onboarding experience for new Essex associates. We provide associates with a solid foundation of who Essex is, what our values are, our mission, goals, priorities and how they all tie together. This two-day program goes even further to introduce the various departments and the people to know. We are proud to welcome new E-team members to Essex with this dynamic and engaging program. 

Power Up Quarterly Schedule:
September 8, 2021
October 13, 2021

Click Here to select a session in Learning Bridge

New Hires will automatically receive an email invite. Current associates who wish to attend a Power Up Event can find the full schedule and register in Learning Bridge. We encourage all associate who want to learn more about Essex and engage with our new hires to attend and event. 


 Quick Reminder: While Essex Essentials is being replaced by Power Up, the standard HR hiring processes including approval emails, I-9 collection and Benefits calls will still occur and be overseen by HR.

Send your questions to ELD@essex.com.
Click on the floating question mark for Frequently Asked Questions. 


January 25, 2022

Last updated:
January 25, 2022