Wireless Policy

Wireless Policy


This policy explains access to Essex Property Trust networks via wireless communication mechanisms. Only wireless systems that meet the criteria of this policy or have been granted an exclusive waiver by the Chief Technology Officer or delegate are approved for connectivity to Essex Property Trust's networks.


This policy covers all wireless access point  network equipment and devices (e.g., computers, cellular phones, tablets, etc.) connected to any of Essex Property Trust's protected networks. This includes any form of wireless communication device capable of transmitting packet data. Wireless devices and/or networks without any connectivity to Essex Property Trust's networks do not fall under the purview of this policy. 
Essex Property Trust may provide wireless guest networks. These wireless guest networks provide access to internet but is firewalled off to Essex Property Trust internal private networks. The wireless guest network is therefore not in scope, however acceptable use policies apply for users of this network. 


General Policy

All wireless connectivity must be made through an authorized and approved Meraki Network Security Device. 

Approved Access Points and Devices

Wireless Access Points or Base Stations which are not managed by the IT department are not allowed to be connected to the corporate network.
No third-party technology solution may be connected to an Essex Property Trust network without the review and approval of the Chief Technology Officer, or delegate.

Approved Technology

All wireless LAN access must use corporate-approved Meraki products and security configurations.

Setting the Security

All wireless Network security is configured by the IT department 
and shall use industry standard security levels (encryption, access protection, etc.).


Any employee found to have violated this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
Last updated:    May 27, 2021
Approved May 27 2021 – P. Klein

July 12, 2021

Last updated:
July 12, 2021