Endpoint Protection Policy


To establish requirements which must be met by Essex Property Trust IT managed computers connected to Essex Property Trust protected networks to ensure effective endpoint protection.


This policy applies to all Essex Property Trust IT managed computing devices that connect to the Essex Property Trust protected network. This includes computing devices such as workstations and laptops that connect to the Essex Property Trust network services and applications.


All Essex Property Trust owned computing devices that connect to the trusted Essex Property Trust protected network must have Essex Property Trust's standard, supported endpoint protection software installed and operational. In addition, the endpoint protection software and its connection to the FireEye Helix Cloud server must be kept up-to-date. The endpoint protection software is managed and configured by Essex Property Trust IT to automatically update; this must not be disabled or tampered with.  

Infected computing devices must be removed from the network until they are verified as virus-free. Any activities with the intention to create and/or distribute malicious programs into Essex Property Trust's networks (e.g., viruses, worms, Trojan horses, e-mail bombs, etc.) are prohibited, in accordance with the Acceptable Use Policy.  


Any employee found to have violated this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. Any devices found to be in violation of this policy will be locked out from connecting to the Essex Property Trust network until the deficiency is corrected. Repeat offenders may be subject to the same disciplinary action.

Last updated:
May 21, 2020

June 10, 2020

Last updated:
June 10, 2020