Everyday Excellence Nominees

2 Nominees and counting!
Kylie Adams
The Havens, Fountain Valley – COC
Everyday Excellence Lead At Every Level
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc mollis justo in leo pellentesque lobortis. Etiam vel odio velit. Donec cursus ipsum ac dolor blandit, et pellentesque arcu placerat. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Ut eget vestibulum tellus. Phasellus ut elit quis sapien ornare rhoncus sit amet eu augue. Donec vitae odio porta, interdum dolor et, feugiat velit. Maecenas congue nulla eu lacus congue placerat sed non nisi.
Nominated by:
John Doe
Brandon Mahoney
Pinnacle Sonata Apt, Bothell – ESN
Everyday Excellence Lead At Every Level
We have had nothing but good things with the onsite maintenance manager. He is professional, efficient, reliable and personable. He goes out of his way to assist us and has been so helpful with getting us in touch with the management. He even saw that we had left our garage door opened and reached out to see if we needed it closed. We appreciate the fact that he treats this property and people so well and his employee does the same. Thanks Brandon and Tyler We appreciate you guys.
Nominated by:
Brian Barns