Tasks: Auto-complete Tasks - 5/4/21

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Tasks: Auto-complete Tasks - 5/4/21
a. Funnel has always offered the ability to set custom tasks on a prospect card to remind agents to complete a task by a certain date. These tasks can be added to a prospect manually by an agent, or can be added via Funnel’s marketing automation platform (ex: if the prospect hasn’t scheduled a tour after 2 days, add a task that says: “call prospect to schedule tour”). These tasks have always required manual completion by an agent - the agent marks the task as Completed in the CRM. We now offer task types (email, SMS, or phone call) that are auto-completed when the corresponding communication type occurs. All of these options can be seen on the updated Add Task Modal on the prospect card.
b. Existing task types can be replaced with the new auto-completing tasks after the March 24th release. To implement this for your communities, reach out to your Funnel Account Representative or Customer Support.
c. Click here for more details

Last updated:
May 11, 2021